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Frequently Asked Questions


These are the most common questions I get. If you can’t find what you need, let me know and we’ll get back to you shortly.

What is the cost?

Cost is determined by several factors: 

* Do old balusters need to be removed

* How many feet of cabling is required

* How many turnbuckles or fittings

* How many horizontal lines are required

Best to contact me and have me take a look, measure, and get you a proposal.

What if the cable loosens?

Since each line is separate, it is easy enough to tighten. I leave you with a tightening tool, or just have me come back to tighten.

Be careful not to over-tighten. The cable is crimped into the fitting. Worst case is the cable pops out of the buckle and needs to be replaced or re-crimped.

Is it safe for children and pets?

Small children will need to be "trained" not to climb on the cables. Local code usually requires a maximum of 4" between lines. This may differ by town.

There are very few breeds of dogs that could fit through a 4" opening. However, the cabled can be placed at 3 1/" or even 3". They don't rust, and cannot be bitten through (unless you have a pet Great White Shark)

What about a partial installation?

The cabling can be done in stages. If you have a multi-level deck you can replace any section you'd like and do the rest at a later date.

Why can't I just do it myself?

You could, if you have the time. You also will need the hydraulic crimper, the portable drill press, sharp cable splicers, and order all the correct parts. You'll also probably want to make up several templates so that your holes are all lined up evenly, and drill a straight line through any posts. (not easy if you haven't tried it.)

Most people are too busy doing other things.

Are you Registered and Insured?

I am registered as an LLC with the State of Massachusetts, ID # 1502298, and fully insured through Concord Group Insurance and Charles River Insurance

Any other questions? We’re here for you.

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